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Amazing Inventions You Need To See Awesome New Technology Inventions 2017 #8

TECHOLOGY IN 100 YEARS - Today Kurzweil is the first technical director of Google, he is engaged in the development of artificial intelligence. Recently, he proposed another round of predictions. For many people it may seem too optimistic, but let's remember that technology is progressing exponentially, not linearly. So, we present you a technological forecast for a hundred years, by the most respected futurist on the planet

Amazing Inventions You Need To See - Awesome Technology Inventions 2017 - Most Satisfying Video 2017 An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process. The invention process is a process within an overall engineering and product development process. It may be an improvement upon a machine or product or a new process for creating an object or a result. An invention that achieves a completely unique function or result may be a radical breakthrough. Such works are novel and not obvious to others skilled in the same field. An inventor may be taking a big step in success or failure. Some inventions can be patented. A patent legally protects the intellectual property rights of the inventor and legally recognizes that a claimed invention is actually an invention. The rules and requirements for patenting an invention vary from country to country and the process of obtaining a patent is often expensive. Another meaning of invention is cultural invention, which is an innovative set of useful social behaviours adopted by people and passed on to others. The Institute for Social Inventions collected many such ideas in magazines and books. Invention is also an important component of artistic and design creativity. Inventions often extend the boundaries of human knowledge, experience or capability.


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